Thursday, March 4, 2010

TOP STORY: Flaky superintendent spotted on the street and summoned to repair water-damaged ceiling...

....but will he heed the call?

It was shortly after 9am this morning that Head Council Member E spotted the super lurking outside the building (location of which must remain super top-secret). He was in the company of an unidentified male, and drinking some coffee while simultaneously munching on a breakfast pastry. After pleasantries were exchanged, the topic of the ceiling came up. He claimed he would come by this weekend to fix the damage. A likely story, as that claim has been made on numerous occasions, with the Super turning into a "super" flake at the last minute. Unfortunately, prior committments prevent E from summoning him The Lair today or tomorrow, and to be honest, it is unlikely he will heed the call this weekend, as he is known for his elusive nature when it comes to these matters. The Council, at large, remains at rest, and did not issue any statements regarding this situation.

We will closely follow this story with the intensely of a hawk stalking its prey, and we urge our readers to weigh in on the matter with their thoughts and opinions.